27 Apr 2014

Commemorating Ghani Khan’s Hundredth Birth Year (1914-2014)

Report on the event
Chakdara, Malakand
April 20, 2014
Timing: 2:00 PM to 10:00 PM 

It is the sign of a living nation who remembers their heroes. Remembering heroes in peace times is great; remembering them in turbulent and war times is greater. Pakhtuns in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and Federally Administered Tribal Areas (FATA) of Pakistan are passing through the hard times of their history. They are the worst affected people by terrorism on earth. Their leadership in all walks of life is ruthlessly targeted killed. Those who are surviving are continuously under pressure to remain silent and inactive.

The effects of terrorism are just the tip of the iceberg. The current crisis is deeply rooted in the state patronage systems that are directly in contrast to the well-being and progress of the nation. They are the economic policies, juxtaposing the area to pursue the self-assigned strategic depth policy, the education system and the communication structures and infrastructures. 

The system of education is devised in such a manner or rather an institutional campaign to keep the people away from their history, heroes, systems, stories, beauty and their way of life. All the available tools of communications are cleverly implied to push them into oblivion of their past and present and hence making them directionless about future course of action.

The history of Pashtuns’ society is ripe of such atrocities. But all the efforts to tear them apart have failed at the end. It is these people who were able to assert, the reason they have been able to survive over thousands of years.   

In this background the announcement of celebrating hundredth birth year of Ghani Khan is a living example of keeping the indigenous narrative alive of Pakhtun. 

Today in Chakdara- a junction point among district Dir, Malakand and Swat- an event was arranged in the memory of great poet, writer, sculptor, philosopher, politician and painter Ghani Khan. The event was arranged to commemorate his hundredth birth year.

The proceedings
The event was comprised of painting exhibition on Ghani Khan, Poetic concert, book fair,
Book Fair at the occasion 
seminar and music concert. 
A formal poetic session was conducted and recorded. Popular poets Rehmat shah Sayel, Abasin Yousafzai and Akber Seyal took part in the poetic recitation (Mushaira). 
Pieces of art painting were displayed in the lobby of the fishing hut building who were brought by different artists painted on the thought and Ghani Khan self. The exhibition was formally inaugurated by Dr. Khadim Hussain. Artists whose art pieces were displayed to the audience were Sajjad Mavra, Shahid Takor, Brekhna Shahzad, Salman Khan, Taj Khan, Mehboob, Azra Nafees Yousafzai, Arshad Atal, Imran Dawood and Faisal Kohzad.

Mr. Amjad Shehzad conducted the stage and opened the event with thanks to the participants.
Opening session was made with poetry recitation paying tribute to Ghani Khan’s multi-dimensional personality. Zar Yousafzae, Faiz Ali Khan and professor Sabadar were the participant of poetic session.
In the second session seminar participant highlighted various aspects of Ghani Khan’s
Thought and the need for popularizing his ideas today. 

Poetry Recitation (Mushaira)
Akber Seyal praised the gathering and said that there are no formal state institutions that

could cater for the grooming of youth. These literarygatherings and sessions are taking forward the discourse of the nation. The sole platform plays a pivotal role in the upbringing of youth. He lamented that from Russian invasion of Afghanistan till now 3.5 million Pashtun have been killed but still we mesmerize ourselves as brave people. Our civilizational narcissism has made us blind to our present day realities. All our neighboring nations-China, Central Asian states, Iran and Punjab- have made progress in all walks of life but Pakhtuns are way behind in the modern day life. Poverty, joblessness seems to be the fate of the people in spite of the fact that the region is abound in natural resources. He further explained that the ideology of Arabs have been imposed upon us. The Arabs have imposed ban on Tableegh, Madrssa, Mullah and Jihad in their countries but they fund them here unabatedly. 

We ourselves are responsible for the prevailing situation here. We have always been
looking down upon our working class. Business is always discouraged here. The solution to our challenges lies in the adoption of Khudai Khitmatgar Tahreek-the only movement that has focused on our social issues and has taken practical steps towards its reforms and solution.
Mr. Khaliq Zyar a prominent scholar said that Ghani Khan’s life and works is an open book. He is the continuation in the narrative of Pakhtun nation. Later in his life he quit the practical politics but he contributed to the thought process of the nation in many ways.
Mr. Shoaib Khan, former MPA said that he is not only the star of Pakhtuns but he is the harbinger for whole humanity.
Mr. Hussain Shah narrated his personal interaction with Ghani Khan. “Baba was prodigal in spending. His father Bacha Khan used to tell him that you spend borrowed money like the one you have earned”. 
Mr. Bakht Baidar, MPA of Qumi Watan Party said that the philosophy of Bacha Khan and Ghani Khan do not belong to a particular group of people. It is for all and sundry. Ghani Khan has also written in English so his appeal is universal. 
Fishing Hut Chakdara
Mr. Rehmat Shah Sayel a renowned Pashto poet elaborated the circumstance that has resulted in the making of Ghani Khan Khan.  His father Bacha Khan started his movement in times when the English was a mighty power here. The social reforms of Bacha Khan were not liked by the British. All means were deployed to halt the movement. Poets stood with him. Ghani Khan and Ajmal Khattak are the leading figures in poets. They are the continuation and creation of the movement. Ghani Khan’s national Anthem was regularly recited in all schools of Bacha Khan before the commencement of classes. 

Ghani Khan is the poet of Pashto language. Along with Pashto he is also the poet of humanity. Ghani Khan is great because he belonged to a movement. He is not only a great poet, artist, sculptor, philosopher, politician, writer and painter but also a great human. When his son was seriously injured by his tenant and later caused his death. When the accused was captured he asked the policeman to set the him free. He argued that he is like my son. If one of my sons is killed how is it the justice for a father that the other son will be sentenced?
Dr. Khadim Hussain, Managing Director Bacha Khan Trust Educational Foundation explained the historical perspective of Ghani Khan’s work. If we want to understand the Revolution of France we need to understand Voltaire and if we want to understand Russian Revolution we will have to understand Tolstoy. If we want to understand the Pahktuns and its society we need to understand Ghani Khan. Ghani Khan’s thought can be well understood into the framework of;
i.                     Creative history
ii.                   Philosophy of thinking
iii.                  Social institutions and political empowerment
How does Ghani Khan see universe, society, history, politics and culture? These are the important aspects to be understood when we try to know about Ghani Khan. The analysis needs to be continued consistently. Further he recited his poem Sehra (Desert) to augment the details of the framework.
Analyzing Ghani Khan can take us to the research of Pakhtuns’s history that still needs to be dig out and find out where the rupture occurred and what were the factors behind. Once the region was a bastion of Ghnadara Civilization but that did not carry forward. Who attacked them and why were they successful in the defeat of the great civilization? In the same continuation Bacha Khan Movement was disrupted and broke down what were the tools that proved successful in bringing halt to the popular movement of Khudai Khitmatgars?

Guest speaker professor Nawaz Tahir, a renowned scholar who authored many books on
Professor Nawaz Tahir
various subjects of Pashto literature, described his intimacy with Ghani Khan. He said that all the three sons of great Khan Abdul Ghaffar Khan; namely, Ghani Khan, Wali Khan and Ali Khan have played a great role in the building of my career. Keeping in mind the universal work of Ghani Khan, I have made recommendations for Ghani Khan to be awarded Nobel Prize for literature. Though he was not selected but Ghani Khan was so pleased and told me that you have given me the prize and came to me in his self for thanks giving.
The gathering passed a resolution demanding from the incumbent government the issuance of postal ticket in the name of Ghani Khan. Bakht Biadar member of provincial government agreed to pass a resolution in the assembly session setting.
After the end of the seminar session a break for refreshment was announced.

At the last session live music was played for four hours. Popular singers, Karan Khan, 
Live Music Concert 

Amjad Shahzad, Sayel, Zafar Iqrar, Zia and Sarfaraz sung in their melodious voice the poetry of Ghani Khan. The audience was all ears and full of applause.
The daylong event was formally ended off with thanks to the organizing team, speakers, poets, singers, musicians, audience and Najmuddin Khan who whole heartedly provided his personal residency in the scenic spot at Chakdarra near the bank of river Swat.
Special thanks were paid to Pakistan Television whose dedicated team recorded the whole proceedings and airing the content in suitable time in future.

Organizer: Fikri Tarron
Photography: Shehzad Yousafzai 

Report written by: Muhammad Rome
Executive Director Pakhtunkhwa Cultural Foundation
Twitter: @muhammadrome